January 6, 2014.
past week was New Years Eve, and it was pretty much a normal day, except that
we did service for a family by helping them set up for the Ward party, although
we had be back home early so we couldn’t stay. It reminded me of the New Years
Eve party with my dad’s family in Arizona, and man I miss that! I want to go
again when I get back.
thing I love about the people here is that although they are so poor and don’t
have a lot, they know how to party! Food and music and people. I love it.
My companion and I made goals for this year, and I think that’s going to help
us a lot. I’m having a hard time with Spanish still, but I guess it’s only been
a couple weeks.
thing I have learned that the Spirit is the teacher, it’s not us. When
the investigators read the Book of Mormon or say a prayer or when we bear testimony,
the spirit is there. We have five investigators right now, and there is
one that is really progressing. His name is Cesar, and he has 7 kids, and
he`s great. He`s beginning to grow a testimony, and this week he is going
to pray about baptism, so hopefully he will receive a witness of the Spirit
that this is what he needs to do. Same thing with a few others of our
investigators. We know that if they truly read the Book of Mormon and
pray, they will come to know these things are true. After fast Sunday
yesterday, my testimony has been strengthened, because I know that even all the
way out here in Bolivia, people have such strong testimonies of this restored
gospel and I am so happy that I can share this with other people.
have come to love the people here, and I hope that love continues to grow; the
members are so kind and generous. They have so little, but always give us
something to eat or drink, or give us a ride, or come with us to lessons or
just let us come in and rest. They are wonderful people. Even
though I have my challenges, this year my goal is to try to serve with my whole
heart, might, mind, and soul. Thanks for your support and your emails and
I’m sorry if I don’t have time to respond to every one, but I read every email
and appreciate them!
Hermana Tijerino
January 13, 2014.
Hola everyone! It’s been a month since I left the CCM, crazy
this week was really good. There still have been challenges, but also so
many blessings. My relationship with my companion has been continuing to grow,
and so has my relationship with God. Little by little I am better understanding
Spanish and able to say a little more.
week has been kind of crazy. It’s been raining a lot. And when it
rains here, it RAINS. The clouds come in so fast and the wind starts to pick up
and it will get dark and a few drops will start to fall and then BOOM! It’s
pouring. One time we were outside a less active families’ house that we haven’t
been able to go in, but they let us in and we taught a good lesson. The
other time we were close to an investigator`s house, and they let us in and we
were able to teach them as we watched the lighting across the sky. Also
walking home after it rains is always an adventure, because the roads basically
become rivers.
three fun things of the week. I ate cow liver. We have a pet lizard
in our house. And we found a giant cockroach in the bathroom. So
much fun! I`ve realized there are so many things we take for granted at
home. Like having a working toilet, air conditioning, food that we don’t
have to worry about making us sick, a car, couches, paved roads. The
list goes on! but still, I am so happy to be here!
we have a lot of investigators right now, and things are going well, although
we haven’t been able to get anyone to come to church. Two days ago a
really cool experience happened. All of our appointments were falling
through and we were trying to decide what to do, and my companion suggested we
knock on this door we were outside of, so we did. We met this lady named
Hermana Juana, and as we talked to her, we found out that she just lost her son
a month ago, and right now her husband is really sick. She is going through so
much pain I can’t even imagine. We shared a little bit of the plan of
salvation and made an appointment to come back and teach her more. I so
badly want to tell her that there is hope and that amidst all the sadness, we
can find peace, because of this gospel and the knowledge we have that we can be
with our families forever. My testimony has grown a lot this week, because
I feel so happy and privileged to have the gospel in my life and to be able to
share it with others.
that’s all I have time for today. I want to send pictures but it doesn’t
work very well, so we`ll see.
Love you all.
Hermana Tijerino
NOTE: In order to protect their privacy the names of my companions, members and investigators will be omitted and their name tags obfuscated.
© Jennifer Tijerino and Mission Adventures in Bolivia - 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material and posted photographs without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jennifer Tijerino and Mission Adventures in Bolivia with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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