September 1, 2014
Hola hola,
I have lots to write about but not much time. Last Monday
we had a really fun multi-zone activity. Tuesday was a good day. Wednesday
was really rough. We walked and walked and we went to visit a lot of
people but no one was there or they were busy and we just had no luck at all. But
then we went to the capilla for a stake activity that they had, where the
jovenes presentaron bailes tradicionales de Bolivia and it was so cool. Then
that night we anxiously awaited the calls for the cambios, but I and my
companion didn’t have cambios, so we are both still here together in this area,
and I am really happy. Hna. C and I are like best friends. We are
always having fun, but also sometimes we get a little fed up with each other,
but then we always end up laughing. I love her so much.
Thursday was my birthday and it was really, really good.
In the morning I made myself pancakes. Then we got ready and went
to our zone meeting. Hermana Zambrano came and brought me a cake and
everyone sang to me, and then we all ate cake. Then we went to lunch, and
I brought with me the package of the crumb cake I love so much from home that
mom sent me, so after lunch we made that, and it turned out exactly how it is
at home, so that made me really happy. Then we had a good day visiting
people, and ended up at the end of the day with our converts Alejandra and Jorge,
and their mom Lidia who bought me a cake and it was so good, Alejandra brought
me a flag from Bolivia (in exchange for the flag I got her from the States) and
she also made a card and got me a necklace, so that was so sweet. I
seriously love her. Then also Hermana Yulissa, my old pensionista called
me and wished me a happy birthday, which also made me so happy because I love
her so much! Anyway, so it was a good birthday, with lots of cake :) and the
rest of the week has gone by pretty good. Thanks for your birthday
Watch out world, I am officially 20!!! Ha-ha,
Love you all,
Hermana Tijerino
August 25, 2014
Buenos Dias,
This week was really good and I can´t believe that cambios
are this week. These past 6 weeks have gone by so fast. We´ve been
teaching a lot of people, but especially the conversos recientes. We have
a lot of investigadores, but they just don’t cumplir con sus compromisos and
don´t come to church, so it’s hard for them to be able to progress. But
anyway, we´re going to keep trying. We have a lot of part member families
that we are teaching as well.
This week there was a multi-zone conference that was really
good. They talked about a lot of things, but especially about the Godhead,
and the characteristics of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. I
learned a lot, and especially from the testimonies that some of the
missionaries shared. There are a lot of the Latino missionaries that are
the only members in their family, and I am so amazed at their valentia to be
able to come and serve a mission. That is something I’ve learned a lot
this week, la importancia a tener un testimonio. It’s so important to
have a testimony, because that is your drive to do the right and obey, and it’s
your iron rod to hold on when things get rough and trials come your way. I’m
so grateful for my testimony and that I’m here on the mission developing my
testimony even more and helping people to gain a testimony of our loving
Heavenly Father and our savior Jesus Christ.
Anyway, I don’t know what’s to come with cambios this week.
I hope that I can stay here one more cambio with Hermana C. I love
her so much. We´ve really become like best friends. We have a lot
of fun, and also with the other Hermanas that live in our house. I´ll let
you know what happens! Also my birthday just has to be on the same day as
cambios, ha-ha. But we´re going to celebrate with our pensionista the day
before, and on the day of the familia Arevalo (Alejandra y Jorge) have already
invited us over, ha-ha.
Love you all so much, con mucho amor,
Hermana Tijerino
August 18, 2014
I don’t have much time to write, but this week seriously
went by sooo fast! My companion and I have been having a lot of fun and working
really hard and finding lots of new people to teach. And we've been
really happy, always laughing and joking around. The only sad thing that
we experienced this week is that the Family R. that was our golden family haven’t
been home all week and don’t answer their phone and they didn’t come to church
and we’re not really sure what happened. They kind of just disappeared.
It’s always when people are progressing so much and so close, the
adversary comes and ruins everything! Ha-ha, but really we have no idea, so for
now we are just going to give it time before we back.
Anyway this week we also had intercambios and my comp went
to another area and I stayed here with another Hermana from Bolivia, and it was
really fun and I learned a lot from her and her testimony. I know this
gospel is true and changes lives and that God loves us and wants us to be happy
and we can find true happiness in our families, in the service of others, and
in this gospel that allows us to return to our Heavenly Father. I am also
so grateful for all the members here and for their support, and for everyone
that we meet and teach every day. I also love my companion, who has
helped me so much to find joy in the work.
Hope you all are doing well!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Tijerino
August 11, 2014
Wow! this week went by super fast. I guess that means
we´ve been busy, ha-ha. This week was pretty good. Last Monday we played
Wally again with our zone (indoor volleyball) and it was super fun. All
the elders are hilarious, and we were just laughing the whole time. Tuesday
was a full day of teaching, and we had a really good lesson with the familia R.
Then on Wednesday was dia de independencia de Bolivia and we had a noche
de talentos en el barrio. We went to pick up Hermana T. R. with a hermano that
has an auto because she´s in a wheelchair, and it was the first time was she was
able to come to the capilla, so that made me really happy. I love her and
her sister M. (there´s a foto of us). The rest of their family came late,
but they were all there, so it was super good. A lot of the talentos were
traditional bailes de Bolivia, and they were all so cool. Then the rest
of the week was pretty good. The only disappointing thing was that we
were supposed to have another lesson with the familia R. but they weren’t there
and they didn’t come to church yesterday, so that made us sad. Keep
praying for them! we´re hoping to have a noche de hogar with them
tonight. Anyway we´ve also found some new investigadores this week.
Also my companion and I have been laughing and joking around a lot, and it’s
been really fun. Anyway, but talking to
the other Hermanas, something that the mission does is it makes us realize that
there are so many things that we can do that maybe we never thought we could do
before. Like speaking a different language or being able to talk to
anyone on the street, and how there are so many things we can learn and
talents that we can develop like learning to cook or play an instrument or
study something new and other things that like. I am grateful for all of
the things I’ve learned and all the things I will continue to learn. Love
you all,
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Tijerino
August 4, 2014
Hola hola!
So this week was really good. But also there´s some
crazy news. So remember how I said that Santa Cruz is semi-peligroso.
Well.... two houses down from where the Hermanas live in Jardin (where I
was a few months ago), there was a murder, so the next day the president took
the Hermanas out and sent 2 here in Belen, and the other 2 to another area Paraiso.
So since Friday we´ve had another 2 Hermanas living with us. They´re
both from Bolivia, super great. So now we are back to working in just
half the area, which is both good and bad. Good because now it’s not so
huge, but sad because we´ve lost some investigadores and a lot of people that
we love, but its ok because they´re in good hands. Also since these Hermanas
just came from Jardin I was able to ask and see how everyone is doing there,
and I found out that a family we found and were teaching the parents just got
married and baptized! So that made me super happy. Anyway, my companion
and I are doing well. She is really great. I’m the senior companion so I
have more responsibilities and I feel like I have to carry a bit more of the
weight, but she is helping me a lot. She is also so funny and we love to
joke around and have fun, and I’ve been super happy being with her. Right now
we are focusing on the familia R. They are an amazing investigator family;
the mom is the strong one that always comes to church and wants to get baptized,
as well as her family. The only one of her kids that is attending church
is M., who´s 19 and so sweet and has lots of friends in the ward now. We
are thinking that their baptism is either going to be the 16th or the 23rd.
Her oldest hija is in a wheelchair because she has some enfermedad, but
she´s always in the lessons, but she just hasn’t been able to attend church.
The boys of the family are really shy so they´re not always in the lesson
and don’t always come to church, so that is the challenge right now. Please
just pray for their family so that Hermana L. can get baptized and M., and mas
adelante el resto de la familia. I seriously just love them so much.
Anyway, that pretty much what’s been going on. Having fun, working
hard, new Hermanas, and trying to help people come unto Christ.
Love you all, con mucho amor,
Hermana Tijerino
NOTE: In order to protect their privacy the names of my companions, members and investigators will be omitted and their name tags obfuscated.
© Jennifer Tijerino and Mission Adventures in Bolivia - 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material and posted photographs without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jennifer Tijerino and Mission Adventures in Bolivia with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.