Hola Family and Friends,
Our Zone getting together for a game of Wally. |
Another take of the zone, |
So this week there were super super cambios. Last
Monday the other hermanas in our area Belen, got a call from the zone leaders
telling them there were cambios de emergencia, and they BOTH would be leaving.
That came as a shock to all of us. So, they packed up their things
that morning all ready to leave to other areas. Now this means that
Hermana L and I would be getting all of their area in addition to ours! But
just wait; there is more that happens later. We all went to our zone
activity to play Wally, which is indoor volleyball kind of like racquetball
where you can use the walls. We played for hours with all the elders
and hermanas in our zone, and it was so much fun! I want to see if they have
that at home, because it was soooo fun. Anyway, after the activity and
after lunch we went back to the house to help hermanas J and C finish packing
and get ready to leave. Just before the elders were going to come pick
them up, the President called Hermana C, and told her that there´s been some
more changes, and she would be staying with Hermana L and I. Now that is
how I came to be in a trio. And let me tell you, it is really really
hard. One thing that’s been really good is our lessons. We´ve had
some really really good lessons this week. Especially one we had with our
investigadora named Paola. She´s 16 and her step family are members that
are coming back to church. We had a lesson with her and her step sister
Thursday night, and we invited her to pray to ask if the Book of Mormon is
true, and in that moment when she said her prayer, she was filled with tears,
and expressed one of the most sincere beautiful prayers I´ve heard. After
that we helped her to recognize that she received an answer from the spirit,
and she said she knows the Book of Mormon is true (because before she had a lot
of doubts about it). We invited her to be baptized, and she accepted. We
all bore our testimonies, and it was such a spiritual experience for all of us.
What made it even sweeter was that their power had gone out, so we were giving
this lesson under candlelight outside. So amazing.
Also yesterday we did a fast with an investigadora whose mom
is really sick and having a hard time. It was really amazing to fast for such a
specific purpose, and for a person that’s really special. Also yesterday
we taught a new family that we recently found, and had an amazing lesson with
them. So things are going really well as far as our investigadores and
lessons and things, but it’s been really hard to have two Latinas as
companions. Hermana Land I were getting along really well and becoming
good friends, but now that this other Hermana joined us, she just completely
took over. She is one of those people with a really strong personality. I´ve
had been feeling a lot like a third wheel lately, so that’s kind of hard.
This is my trial for this week. But I think the Lord is giving me
this opportunity to develop my patience and love. So even though it’s
hard, I am grateful for my trials. Thanks for all your prayers; I will
need them this week!
Love you all,
Hermana Tijerino
NOTE: In order to protect their privacy the names of my companions, members and investigators will be omitted and their name tags obfuscated.
© Jennifer Tijerino and Mission Adventures in Bolivia - 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material and posted photographs without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jennifer Tijerino and Mission Adventures in Bolivia with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.